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Propose and Submit a New Workshop#

Proposing a New Workshop#

If you have an idea for a new workshop that you would like to propose to add to our core curriculum, please follow the steps below:

  1. Contact the DHRIFT Curriculum Team to discuss your idea. We can help you refine your proposal and provide guidance on how to structure your workshop. In your email, please include the following information:
  2. An abstract for your workshop (will be used for the workshop description)
  3. The intended audience for your workshop
  4. The learning objectives and outcomes you hope to achieve
  5. Any special requirements or resources needed to develop the workshop

  6. Before proposing a new workshop, please review our workshop development guidelines to ensure that your workshop follows best pedagogical practices and includes all necessary information.

  7. If your workshop proposal is accepted, we'll contact you to discuss next steps. You'll be responsible for developing the workshop content and materials, which will be reviewed by the DHRIFT Curriculum team before being added to the core curriculum. Once your workshop is created, follow the steps below to submit it for review.

Submitting a Workshop for Review#

If you've already developed a workshop and proposed the workshop to our team, you can submit it for review by following the steps below:

  1. Create a free GitHub account if you don't already have one. You'll need a GitHub account to submit your workshop materials and collaborate with the DHRIFT Curriculum Team. You can sign up for an account at

  2. Make sure your workshop aligns with our workshop development guidelines. Contact the DHRIFT Curriculum Team who will then give you upload access to our submission repository.

  3. Clone the submission repository to your local machine and add your workshop materials to the repository. (You can also manually upload your workshop materials to the repository through the GitHub interface.) When adding your workshop materials, make sure to include the following files and information:

  4. Your workshop markdown file in the root directory (see our workshop anatomy for formatting specifications and our workshop guidelines for content requirements)
  5. If your workshop contains images, you must create a new folder in the /images directory and add your images to that folder. Your folder should be named the same as your workshop markdown file. Make sure to reference the images in your markdown file using the correct file path, e.g, ![alt text](/images/your-folder/your-image.jpg)
  6. If your workshop is supported by additional resources (e.g., code files, datasets), you must create a new folder in the /uploads directory and add your materials to that folder. Your folder should be named the same as your workshop markdown file. Make sure to reference the resources in your markdown file using the correct file path, e.g., /uploads/your-folder/your-resource.csv

  7. Create a pull request to submit your workshop for review. In your pull request, include a brief description of your workshop's materials and any special instructions or requirements for review.

  8. Once your pull request is submitted, the DHRIFT Curriculum Team will review your workshop and provide feedback by creating an issue. Issues act as a way to track and discuss changes to your workshop. We will correct any immediate formatting errors but you may be asked to make revisions to your workshop based on this feedback. All subsequent revisions should be made directly to the files in our submissions repository to ensure you are working from the latest version of the lesson file. Please respond to any feedback in a timely manner to expedite the review process. Note that issues, and subsequently the peer review discussion, are public. If you wish to speak with us privately about any feedback, please email the DHRIFT Curriculum Team.

  9. After your workshop has been reviewed and accepted, we will merge your pull request and your workshop will be added to the core curriculum. You will be credited as the workshop creator and will have the opportunity to contribute to future updates and revisions.

  10. If you would like to revise or update your workshop after it has been published, you can create a new pull request with your changes. The DHRIFT Curriculum Team will review your revisions and update the workshop as needed, following the same process as above.

Please note that if we encounter errors in your workshop that are the result of further development of the DHRIFT platform, we will make the necessary changes to your workshop to ensure that it remains functional and accessible. We will notify you of any changes made to your workshop and provide an opportunity for you to review and approve them before they are published.

After 3 years, we will add a note to the workshop indicating that it might be out of date and may need to be updated. We will also reach out to you to see if you would like to update the workshop or if you would like us to archive it.

If you have any questions or need assistance with proposing or submitting a workshop, please contact the DHRIFT Curriculum Team. We're here to help!

The Peer Review Process#

All workshops submitted to the DHRIFT Curriculum Team for review will undergo a peer review process to ensure that they meet our workshop development guidelines and pedagogical standards. The peer review process includes the following steps:

  1. Initial Review: The DHRIFT Curriculum Team will review your workshop proposal or submission to ensure that it aligns with our guidelines and includes all necessary information.

  2. Peer Review: Your workshop will be reviewed by members of the DHRIFT Curriculum Team and external reviewers with expertise in the workshop topic. Reviewers will provide feedback on the content, structure, and pedagogical approach of your workshop in a GitHub issue.

  3. Feedback and Revisions: Check the feedback on your workshop from the DHRIFT Curriculum Team and reviewers. You may be asked to make revisions to your workshop based on this feedback.

  4. Final Review: Once your workshop has been revised, it will undergo a final review by the DHRIFT Curriculum Team to ensure that all feedback has been addressed and that the workshop meets our standards.

  5. Acceptance and Publication: If your workshop is accepted, it will be added to the core curriculum and made available to the public. You will be credited as the workshop creator and will have the opportunity to contribute to future updates and revisions.

The peer review process is designed to ensure that all workshops in the DHRIFT core curriculum meet our high standards for quality, accessibility, and engagement. We appreciate your contributions to our community of practice and look forward to working with you to develop innovative and engaging workshops for digital humanities research and teaching.

After Your Workshop is Published#

Once your workshop has been accepted and published in the core curriculum, it will be available to the public through the DHRIFT platform. Participants will be able to access your workshop materials, resources, and activities, and engage with the content at their own pace.

As the workshop creator, you will have the opportunity to update and revise your workshop as needed, based on feedback from participants and the DHRIFT Curriculum Team. You can also contribute new workshops and resources to the core curriculum, expanding the range of topics and activities available to our community of learners.

Holding Us Accountable#

The DHRIFT Curriculum Team is committed to providing a transparent and inclusive peer review process for all workshop submissions. We welcome feedback and suggestions for improving our review process and ensuring that all workshops meet our high standards for quality and accessibility.